Flamenco Zeitgenössisch in der Tanzfaktur Köln – Workshop mit Katerina Giannakopoulou (Foto: Oliver Strömer)

Ausflug ins Spanische mit Jeremia Mameghani, Katerina Giannakopoulou, Iva Jovanović-Hoppe, Franco Carmine, Nina Kofouchristou und Génesis Hernández – Foto © O-Ton
Begegnungen der beiden prämierten Künstler:innen Aeham Ahmad (Klavier & Gesang) und Katerina Giannakopoulou (Flamencotanz & Konzept)- von Franco Carmine (Flamencogitarre) begleitet.
Eine facettenreiche Performance mit Gesang, Tanz und Improvisation – eine gefühlvolle Reise durch die Welt der klassischen, arabischen, Flamenco – und Jazzmusik!
NOCHE FLAMENCA – the trio is presenting the premiere of their flamenco night
with Katerina la Greca, Gabriel de Jerez & Franco Carmine
Foto: Alessandro De Matteis, © Katerina Giannakopoulou
17.11. – 8 pm – Lutherkirche Köln Südstadt
22.09. – 8 pm – Johanneskirche Troisdorf – https://evangelischtroisdorf.de/2023/07/04/zwischen-krieg-und-frieden/
15.10. – 7 pm – Kulturvilla Metmann – https://www.neanderticket.de/?477158
Das Projekt ONLY HUMAN bringt Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Generationen zusammen. Im Vordergrund stehen ihre Erlebnisse mit Diskriminierung und Rassismus und ihre Vorstellung von einem Miteinander über politische und gesellschaftliche Grenzen hinweg. Es kommen Geflüchtete mit Einheimischen in integrativen Musiktheaterprojekten zusammen, werden zu Freund*innen, lernen die Sprache, verarbeiten erlebte Geschichten und setzten sich gemeinsam für eine vielfältige Gesellschaft ein. Das Projekt wird von einer Doku-Serie begleitet, deren erster und zweiterTeil mit einer Live-Performance präsentiert wird. Aeham Ahmad, bekannt als der »Pianist aus den Trümmern« und Katerina Giannakopoulou (Flamenco-Tänzerin und Regisseurin) werden an diesem Abend die Premiere ihrer Konzertreihe aufführen. ONLY HUMAN baut auf eine Impact Kampagne gegen Rassismus, für Vielfalt und Frieden auf und wird unter anderem vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge gefördert. Eine ARTS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE! Veranstaltung im Rahmen von den bundesweiten LETsDOK Dokumentarfilmtagen.
TICKETSNEW Flamenco Classes & Workshops for all levels with Katerina in the intercultural space Brotfabrik Bonn. She is also giving coaching lessons for performances & projects. PM for more information.
INFOONLY HUMAN II - The second part of our documentary series ONLY HUMAN is done and the 1st part has successfully ended its international festival tour. "Only Human" brings young people from different backgrounds together. The focus is on their experiences with discrimination and racism as well as of cooperation across political and social borders. The second part of this series throws oppressive highlights on the harrowing experiences with (sexual) violence, racism, depression and bullying that some of these young people had to go through. In touching pictures, however, it also shows how friendship and tolerance can help to heal wounds. Despite the depressing themes, the film has a hopeful message.
3. KÖLNER PERCUSSION FESTIVAL / CONCERT - Katerina La Greca & Zarbang Ensemble
Zarbam and Katerina la Greca weave a performance by transmitting inspiration through percussive communication in a conversation between ancient Sufi and Flamenco rhythms.

ONLY HUMAN by Katerina Giannakopoulou won the Best Screenplay award & the Best Cinematography award in the International Documentary Competition section of the 12th Social World Film Festival.
ONLY HUMAN - by Katerina Giannakopoulou
Ten people – ten cultures – ten destinies – one project. Art overcomes borders.
In the first part of the documentary series, the participants of the “Only human” project tell touching stories about their flight, their arrival and life in Germany, their difficulties, hopes and encounters. When Germany opened its borders to refugees six years ago, the non-profit association “music4everybody! e.V.” started an integrative music project with the aim of making it easier for young people with a refugee and migration background to arrive in Germany. Together with young local people and under the guidance of professional coaches, they build bridges between people of different cultures through art. Only Human is a journey that brings people together in a learning and healing process through dancing, singing, acting, and creating. The project creates a space where we can be free, independent of everything society imposes on us.

ARFF & WSXA Barcelona 2022 Q&A Sessions
"If there's anything more exciting than experiencing a new film, it's the possibility of meeting the creative minds behind them. ARFF & WSXA International are excited to meet the directors, writers and actresses & actors who created the nominated films. This year's Barcelona Q&A sessions will be hosted by multidisciplinary award-winning artist, filmmaker, choreographer, Katerina Giannakopoulou." We are delighted to present the ARFF International 2022 Laurel for her reference. INFO
Making of THE TRAGEDY OF DOMNA VISVIZI by Katerina Giannakopoulou & Mixalis Iliaskos
“The Tragedy of Domna Visvizi,” is a multidisciplinary work of art combining the poetry of lyrics, music, dance, acting, cinematography and sound design to tell the story of the forsaken and forgotten Greek patriot and heroine Domna Visvizi from the time of her husband’s death in 1822, to her own in 1850.

PANDEMIA was chosen as one of the best shorts at TORONTO´S WILDsound Film Festival – “Dance-Music-Animation,” in collaboration with the Experimental Film Festival in Toronto & won the Audience Feedback Award for the BEST PERFORMANCE!!!
Here you can check the audience’s feedback:

Foto Best Actress/Best Indie Film/Best Picture
Als die Welle brach… (As the Wave broke…) 2019, directed by Alexandra Bekiou with Katerina in the the leading role, tells the Epic Story of a woman searching for a better life after suffering the most terrible abuse. The odyssey of an autobiographical character in all her depth, resilience and complexity.

Performances, Concerts & Festivals Canceled Due to COVID-19