The first episode of the documentary series “Only Human” introduces the moving stories of refugees. Their escape from their native countries, their journey to hope, through danger and desperation and their challenging start in an unfamiliar culture.

Only Human uses the medium of art to create a safe space where participants can come together through a learning and healing process and discover more about themselves and each other. With the guidance by artist and director Katerina Giannakopoulou, this project focuses on building bridges between people from different cultural backgrounds through the process of creating art together. The artistic modes of expression, such as singing, acting, and dancing, require a deep and trusting connection with oneself and others. Therefore, they are particularly powerful in building bridges between cultures and individuals.


Conversation with Director Katerina Giannakopoulou and the creative team

 ARTIKEL vom Bundesminesterium für Migration



12 th Social World Film Festival – ONLY HUMAN
– Best Screenplay
– Best Cinematography

79. Festspiele in Cannes – ONLY HUMAN
– Press Conference

10 th Human Rights Film Festival Berlin – ONLY HUMAN
– Pitch Open Societies

18 th Reel HeART International Film Festival – ONLY HUMAN
– Best Documentary

Oniros Film Festival – ONLY HUMAN
– Best Social Justice Film
– Best Director
– Best Documentary

15 th Wild Sound Film Festival – ONLY HUMAN
– Best Film
– Best Screenplay

Art Film Awards – ONLY HUMAN
– Best Documentary
– Best Director


Director: Katerina Giannakopoulou

Dramaturgy: Katerina Giannakopoulou & Claudia Scarpatetti

Director of Photography: Lars Pölöskey

1st Assistant Camera: Niclas Bosch

Aerials: Niclas Bosch & Matteo Sant’Unione

Scenery: Markus Schaffrath

Editor: Johannes Dreyer

Sounddesign | Grading: Lars Pölöskey

Re-recording: Henning Großmann

Original Soundtrack: Vincent Heinen, Marius Kirsten, Elena Lenzen, Jean-Marc Lorber

Producer: Stephi Siebert

Assistant Producer: Jesper Harder & Anne Vogel

Vocal Coach: Tanja Brunner

Dance Coach: Adrián Castelló

Poster Designer: Andrea Lechler – sightworks